Say Yes to a Second Chance Page 2
Her husband, Nick, must have thought she looked appealing, too, because a few minutes earlier, on her way to the powder room to check her makeup, Adrianna had stumbled upon the two kissing. It hadn’t been a simple peck on the lips either.
Lexi had been embarrassed, but Adrianna had told her she hoped when she finally married that her husband would find her irresistible enough to pull her into an alcove and kiss her with such passion.
“He’s certainly handsome. Who could he be?” Lexi expelled a frustrated breath and pursed her red lips. Her friend prided herself on knowing most of the residents of Jackson Hole, but it looked as though this time she was coming up empty.
“Could he be someone’s date?”
“It appears he’s single. At least I don’t think he’s wearing a ring.” As if to confirm her guess, the social worker narrowed her gaze, refocusing on his left hand.
“Ohmigod, Lex,” Adrianna hissed. “He saw you staring and now both of them are headed this way.”
The two men had begun to wind their way across the large ballroom, Tripp as fair as the other man was dark. Even though his friend was attractive, he didn’t affect Adrianna in the slightest.
Not like Tripp. When she’d seen him in his black tux tonight, her heart rate had skyrocketed into the danger zone. It was the first time she’d seen him dressed so formally since his junior–senior prom. She’d watched him arrive in a limo to pick up Gayle. While the two were dancing and laughing in the high school gym, Adrianna had been up in her room eating a pint of Chunky Monkey ice cream.
“They’re almost here,” Lexi whispered, sounding more like a high school friend than a happily married woman and mother of two. “Stay cool. We’ll pretend we don’t see them.”
“Is book club still on for this month?” Adrianna kept her gaze focused on Lexi.
“It is and we need to tell everyone that it’s okay to come even if they haven’t read The Garden of Forking Paths.”
Heat stole across Adrianna’s cheeks. The upcoming selection had been Lexi’s choice. Most of the group preferred genre fiction, but the social worker was determined to “broaden their horizons.” She’d suggested Adrianna Karenina, but the members had all said they’d read it, though Adrianna suspected most of them hadn’t.
At first, the short-story spy narrative appeared to be a more palatable solution. Until Adrianna went on to Wikipedia and discovered even the plot summary confused her.
“Borge’s story is a good example of hypertext fiction,” Adrianna murmured, repeating what she’d read in reviews.
From the smile lifting Lexi’s lips, the observation must have been spot-on. “Exactly. That’s why I wish the others would simply give it a—”
“Ladies.” Tripp surprised Adrianna by not only kissing her cheek but by also slipping an arm around her shoulders. “I hope we’re not interrupting.”
Adrianna blinked, stunned by the proprietary gesture. For several seconds her voice vanished.
Lexi waved a dismissive hand. “Just book-club stuff. Nothing important.”
The dark-haired man lifted a brow. “What’s the book of the month?”
Lexi’s smile broadened. “The Garden of Forking Paths. It’s a short story by—”
“Jorge Luis Borge.” The stranger finished the sentence for her. “An excellent example of hypertext fiction.”
Lexi slanted a glance in Adrianna’s direction. “That’s what you just said.”
“So you also liked the story?” Tripp’s friend settled his steely gray eyes on Adrianna.
“It was okay.” Now that he was close up, Adrianna admitted Lexi was right. He was handsome. And he had a confidence she found appealing. But so far, not a single spark.
Don’t be hasty, she told herself. Attraction often needs time to build.
“I don’t believe we’ve met,” Lexi said politely when Tripp made no move to perform introductions. “I’m Lexi Delacourt and this is my friend Adrianna Lee.”
“Winston Ferris.” The man extended his hand. “But please call me Winn. Winston is far too formal.”
“Is your wife here with you tonight, Mr.—er, Winn?” Lexi probed, her amber eyes sparkling with curiosity.
“I’m not married.” Winn smiled. “Or dating anyone.”
At that announcement, Lexi cast a pointed glance in Adrianna’s direction, which she promptly ignored.
Thank goodness she hadn’t yet told Lexi that she was ready to start looking for Mr. Right. If she had, there was no doubt in her mind that her friend would be shoving her in Winn’s direction, despite the fact she was here tonight with Tripp.
“Ferris?” A frown furrowed Lexi’s pretty brow. “Are you any relation to Jim?”
“He’s my father.” Winn may have answered Lexi, but his gaze remained firmly fixed on Adrianna.
“My husband, Nick, has golfed with your dad a few times.” Lexi lifted her glass of wine to her lips. “I’ve heard your father has an amazing chip shot.”
Winn simply smiled and refocused on Adrianna. “What about you? Do you have a husband? Or a boyfriend?”
Adrianna hesitated. While she supposed some might be flattered by his attention, his dogged determination to capture her interest rubbed her wrong, reminding her of that bad experience with her college boyfriend.
Besides, making a move on her wasn’t particularly gentlemanly, considering she was here with someone else. Unless Tripp had told him they were only friends.
Adrianna slanted a sideways glance at Tripp, hoping for some answers.
“I thought I made it clear that Adrianna is with me.” There was an undercurrent of warning running through Tripp’s voice that surprised Adrianna.
Whatever she’d expected Tripp to say, it wasn’t that. Was he aware by phrasing it that way it sounded as if they were a real couple?
“That’s right.” Winn gave a little laugh. “Must have slipped my mind.”
Tripp’s gaze shifted to Adrianna.
“It’s past time we dance.” He slipped his arm from her shoulder and took her hand. Before his fingers laced through hers, his thumb caressed her palm.
Adrianna’s knees suddenly went weak.
Tripp smiled. There was warmth—dare she say, heat?—in his eyes that she couldn’t recall seeing there before.
“Dancing would be...lovely.” Her tongue moistened her suddenly dry lips and once again she saw a flash of heat.
“Nice to meet you, Winn,” she called over her shoulder as Tripp tugged her to the dance floor, then jerked her close.
They fit as though they were made for each other. Tripp was just enough taller that even with her heels they came together perfectly. She wondered what it would be like if they made love. Would they come together just as perfectly? She promptly banished the thought. It wasn’t as if that was ever going to happen.
Of course, she thought, resting her head against his broad chest, it wasn’t as if she thought he’d ever hold her hand either. Or kiss her cheek.
Tripp’s arms were so strong it didn’t matter if her knees had the consistency of gelatin. When the band launched into a rendition of “Embraceable You,” a special favorite of her parents, a sadness washed over Adrianna.
She’d been nineteen and away at college when her parents had passed away, victims of carbon monoxide poisoning due to a blocked fireplace flue. Adrianna lifted her head and gazed up at Tripp. “Did you know Gayle was the first person to express her condolences after my parents died?”
He shook his head, then frowned. “What made you think of that?”
“My mom and dad loved this song.” Adrianna sighed, feeling a bit wistful. “Whenever it would come on the radio, they’d drop whatever they were doing and dance.”
If she closed her eyes, she could see them now, her mother’s head on her dad’s shoulder, a dreamy smile on her lips.
“They’d been married for almost fifteen years and had given up hope of having any children when I came along,” Adrianna continued. “A child in the house had
to have been a big change, but I always felt wanted and loved.”
Her troubles in college had occurred after their deaths. She’d been so lonely, so naive, so willing to believe a handsome man’s lies. Then her world had imploded and she’d had no one. Adrianna told herself that, unlike her friends, her mom and dad would have stood by her through that horrible time.
How different things might have been...
Sighing again, she placed her cheek against the starched front of Tripp’s shirt and let herself relax.
“Have you had a nice evening so far?” Tripp murmured against her hair.
“It’s been fun.” She lifted her head and realized with a start that his lips were right there. If she leaned forward ever so slightly, they would kiss. Really kiss.
Her heart stuttered.
The music disappeared.
Had she ever noticed the tiny gold flecks in his blue eyes? Or the faint smattering of freckles across the bridge of his nose? Or how good he smelled? Yes, she’d definitely noticed how good he smelled. Like soap. And sexy cologne. And that indefinable male scent that made something tighten deep in her abdomen.
Tripp’s eyes darkened. His mouth drew closer.
Anticipation skittered up Adrianna’s spine. She held her breath.
“You two look like you’re having a good time.”
Tripp stopped so abruptly that Adrianna stumbled.
“Are you okay?” he asked, after helping her regain her balance.
She nodded.
“I’m sorry. We didn’t mean to startle you.”
Adrianna turned to find Tripp’s parents staring at her.
“I’m fine. Really.” Heat rose up her neck and she wondered how much they’d seen. Of course, it wasn’t as if their son had actually kissed her.
“You look lovely this evening,” Tripp’s mother gushed. “Doesn’t Adrianna look pretty, Frank?”
“Beautiful,” Tripp’s father responded.
Pleasure slid through Adrianna’s veins like warm honey. She couldn’t believe Tripp’s mother remembered her, much less recalled her name. They’d met only once and that was months ago. “It’s a pleasure to see both of you again, Mr. and Mrs. Randall.”
“Please, call me Kathy.” The sparkle in his mother’s blue eyes reminded Adrianna of Tripp. She looked every inch a wealthy rancher’s wife with her dark blond hair cut in a stylish bob and her elegant black dress brightened by large teardrop diamond earrings and a matching necklace.
Her husband stood beside her, one hand resting lightly on her back. A tall man with salt-and-pepper hair and a weathered face, Franklin had lost a lot of weight in the past year and his tux hung loosely on his large frame.
“Was that Jim Ferris’s boy I saw you speaking with a few minutes ago?” Frank asked his son.
“His name is Winston.” Tripp cupped Adrianna’s elbow in his hand and they followed his parents off the dance floor. “From what he said, it sounds like he just got into town. He didn’t mention if he planned on staying.”
“Oh, he’s staying.” Frank gave a humorless chuckle. “He’s in bed with GPG. The word is he was involved with golf-course development in Florida. Wants to do the same here and has GPG’s backing.”
GPG had been in the local news a lot lately. It was a large investment firm with deep pockets and a mission to develop every inch of Jackson Hole. Environmental concerns were simply obstacles to be overcome.
“GPG or no GPG, getting approval will be a problem.” Tripp appeared pleased at the prospect. “Any golf-course development will have to meet the environmentally sensitive guidelines the county implemented last year.”
“Golf.” Adrianna wrinkled her nose. “I’ve never understood the point of hitting a little white ball.”
Frank’s eyes widened. He opened his mouth, then clamped it shut without responding.
Kathy looked amused.
Tripp chuckled.
“Considering my father used to practically live on the golf course, a statement like that is tantamount to waving a red flag in front of a bull,” Tripp whispered in a tone loud enough for all of them to hear.
Warmth crept up Adrianna’s neck but she lifted her chin. “It’s just my opinion.”
“And mine.” Kathy shot Adrianna a wink.
Before much more could be said, an announcement sent them to their assigned seats for dinner.
Adrianna recognized two of the men and one of the women already at their table as being current board members. Although they were seniors, Adrianna wasn’t worried. Because of her parents being older, she’d always felt comfortable with that generation. She chatted easily throughout a delicious meal of chicken, asparagus and wild rice. The dessert she left untouched.
“Is something wrong with the cheesecake?” Tripp leaned close, the question meant for her ears only.
Adrianna lifted one shoulder in a slight shrug and tried to pretend his nearness didn’t affect her. “Simply too much food.”
“No wine. No dessert. You’re a cheap date,” Tripp teased.
Her heart twisted. If only this was a real date....
“What are you thinking?” Tripp asked.
“That I’m having a nice time tonight.”
“You sound surprised.”
“In a way I am,” she answered honestly. “For me, these events are normally just something to endure.”
He brushed a stray tendril of hair back from her cheek with one finger. “You’re having a good time tonight because you’re with me.”
Adrianna rolled her eyes while inwardly agreeing.
The band started up again and Adrianna found herself swaying with the music.
Tripp pushed back his chair.
When she stood and he took her hand, electricity shot up Adrianna’s arm.
“I love the songs they’re playing tonight—” she began, then stopped when Winn stepped in front of her.
The man smiled at Adrianna and ignored Tripp. “May I have the pleasure of this dance, Ms. Lee?”
Even though outwardly Winn appeared self-assured, something in his eyes told Adrianna he wasn’t as confident as he appeared. She knew all about faking confidence in social settings. The knowledge that they had that in common made her offer him an extra-warm smile.
“The lady isn’t available. She’s dancing every dance with me.” Tripp’s blue eyes were positively frosty.
“Let her go with him, son.” Jim Ferris seemed to appear out of nowhere. “There are several things I’ve been meaning to discuss with you. This will be a good opportunity for us to talk.”
Adrianna fought a surge of disappointment. But to be anything other than gracious about the change in plans would put Tripp—and Winn—in an awkward position.
“I’d love to dance with you.” Adrianna smiled at Winn, then shifted her gaze to Tripp. “The one after that is yours.”
Tripp leaned close and for one crazy second Adrianna thought he was going to kiss her. Instead he squeezed both her hands.
“The next and all the ones after that.” Tripp gazed into her eyes, his tone brooking no argument.
“Absolutely.” Adrianna felt as if she was floating. She wasn’t sure what had happened to Tripp’s normal hands-off behavior, but she was enjoying the change.
As Winn took her arm and led her to the dance floor, Adrianna felt Tripp’s eyes on her. Hiding a smile, she added a little sway to her hips.
Chapter Three
Tripp stood on the edge of the dance floor, schmoozing with a couple of donors, doing his best to ignore the music filling the ballroom. The romantic melody was almost as irritating as the cloying sweetness emanating from the large urn of fresh flowers positioned next to him.
He murmured words of agreement or occasionally nodded, enough to make the two men across from him believe they had his full attention. The truth was, conversing with them was merely a cover. It allowed Tripp to surreptitiously watch Adrianna while she danced with Winn.
The “important meeting” with Jim Fer
ris had taken just long enough for Winn to lead Adrianna to the dance floor. Tripp suspected the trustee’s urgent need to talk had been merely a ploy to aid his son in getting what he wanted. Now, seeing the smirk on Winn’s face as he held the brunette, Tripp was sure of it.
He wasn’t surprised. Adrianna was a beautiful woman with a killer body, sculpted screen-goddess features and incredible green eyes.
The lithesome beauty seemed unaware of her appeal. She always insisted she’d spent her childhood as somewhat of an ugly duckling and hadn’t begun to blossom until college.
But Tripp had noticed her latent beauty back in high school. He’d made the mistake of mentioning his observation to Gayle. She’d gone ballistic.
That had been the first of many fights they’d had stemming from her irrational jealousy.
Even now, the simple act of appreciating the way Adrianna’s dress emphasized her large breasts made him feel guilty. He lifted his gaze...and found her staring.
Not at Winn.
At him.
Tripp smiled back before refocusing his attention back on the donors.
Now, with his eyes elsewhere, he found himself thinking how much Adrianna’s friendship had meant to him. Her supportive texts and emails following his wife’s death had been a bright light during that dark period.
A comfortable closeness had developed over cyberspace. Even after the initial shock and grief had begun to subside, they’d continued to correspond, sharing thoughts and feelings they never would have shared in person.
It wasn’t until Tripp returned to Jackson Hole that things turned awkward. He and Adrianna shared many of the same friends. Friends who’d recently begun marrying at alarming rates and who seemed to think they’d make a perfect match.
Now that he was home, the closeness they’d built somehow felt wrong now. He could almost hear Gayle sneering and telling him, “See, I was right. You were attracted to her.” Which he knew wasn’t the truth back then, but definitely was true now.
When Tripp had told his friends he was too busy to date, some assumed he was still grieving the loss of his wife and unborn daughter. Actually, Tripp was ready to move on. The irony was, now that he was ready, the one woman he was interested in was the one he couldn’t bring himself to pursue. So he stuck with his original story that he didn’t have time.